Tailored Provider Credentialing and Enrollment Services

Physicians and providers must undergo a thorough credentialing process to enroll and attest with Payer networks, ensuring they are authorized to deliver services to patients covered by the Payer’s plans. Credentialing validates a physician’s ability to meet clinical care standards, encompassing factors like education, licensure, experience, certifications, affiliations, malpractice history, and training.

Why Credentialing Matters:

Payers may withhold or delay payments to non-credentialed physicians, adversely affecting practice finances. Our customized Provider Credentialing and Enrollment services aid physicians in various scenarios, including:

  • Starting or joining a new practice
  • Transitioning between physician practice groups
  • Joining or affiliating with new groups/practices
  • Enrolling with additional payers
  • Maintaining ongoing credentialing needs.

Our Credentialing Process Includes:

  • Gathering necessary data and documents for credentialing applications from physicians
  • Securely storing documents on our centralized document management systems
  • Initiating contact with top payers and applying payer-specific formats post-audit
  • Conducting timely follow-ups with payers to track application status
  • Communicating enrollment numbers and application statuses to physicians
  • Regularly updating document libraries for ongoing credentialing needs.

Benefits of Our Services:

  • Expedited credentialing with major payers
  • Reduced claim denials and enhanced cash flow
  • Increased patient referrals from network participation
  • Streamlined paperwork with our document management system
  • Assistance with complex application forms
  • Cost savings through our global delivery teams
  • Timely status reports on application progress.